Friday, January 25, 2013

MTV intervjuar regissr Francis Lawrence om Catching Fire ...

MTV har gjort en riktigt intressant intervju med Francis Lawrence, regissör till ”The Hunger Games: Catching Fire”. I intervjun får vi veta en hel del nya saker. Han pratar bl.a. om vilken scen som han är mest nöjd med, hur det kändes att överta regissörrollen efter Gary Ross, hur mycket de planerat för ”Mockingjay”-filmerna och mycket annat spännande.

Intervjun kommer i två delar på

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Om hur det kändes att göra uppföljaren efter Gary Ross:

Taking Over. With just a year-and-a-half until ”Catching Fire” was set to hit theaters, Lawrence hit the ground running. And while he’s had few problems building upon Ross’ vision, stepping into an already-established film family was another matter.

”I liked what Gary did a lot, but I have a different style than he does,” Lawrence explained. ”So it was very easy for me to come in the room and sit down with the people involved in the movie and sort of say, ‘Here’s what I like about what Gary did that I would latch on to and hold onto and embrace, and here’s the way I would do it differently.’ The trickier thing, honestly for me, was sort of stepping into a world, and there’s crew members that were on the first movie, obviously an entire cast, all the people that are returning that I inherited. I was nervous about what they were going to feel… I think everybody in general was really gracious and worked really hard and ended up being really fun to work with. I think there were a couple of people that were really bummed that Gary wasn’t doing it, and it had less to do with the choice of me coming on than just Gary not doing it. They signed on with Gary; they’re friends with Gary; they like Gary. And I think there was definitely some sadness there.”

Om en av hans favoritscener:

On the scenes he’s most proud of:

”It’s interesting because there’s a very small blur—I want to say it’s a paragraph long in the book—but the moment in the arena when the gamemaker starts to spin the cornucopia, and I’m very proud of that. We designed a very cool sequence and created a spinning island, and that’s going to be very, very cool. So that’s kind of fun and very unique. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s cool.

”You know one of the very first things we shot that I like quite a lot is, there is sort of a goodbye before she goes into the arena with Liam that I like a lot. And it was actually—we shot it because we needed summer foliage and summer flowers and things like that. We actually shot it while we were in prep. Very first thing we sort of went out into the meadow, out in the mountains in north Georgia and shot this sequence over three or four hours or so, and I really like it. I think it’s really nice. Jennifer and Liam are really good in it. It’s very nice.”


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