Thursday, January 24, 2013

#SilverLiningsPlaybook | Cory Hepola


Rating: 87/100%

1. Man struggling with mental illness is hospitalized & loses everything. Upon release, he meets girl with her own issues. Unlikely friendship ensues.

2. Acting is tremendous; Bradley Cooper shows depth, Robert De Niro doesn’t mail it in, Jennifer Lawrence is rising star & Jacki Weaver is at it again.

3. Dialogue is REAL. When his character is off his meds, it feels like Cooper’s using his improv skills. No idea if this is true, but he’s fantastic.

4. WEAK: a lil too cute w “silver lining” theme, therapist (randomly) showing up, & big bet. Would’ve liked more with the brother.

5. Rom-com that even guys will enjoy. #SilverLiningsPlaybook is Nominated for 8 Academy Awards… including Best Picture.

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