Monday, July 15, 2013

'Catching Fire' Fashion: Katniss Everdeen's Wedding Dress

Ok, so this a stretch, but the fashion and beauty trends from ‘The Hunger Games‘ is a wee bit addicting. I will agree, in the book the looks seemed a little more eccentric and I had pictured a more avant garde result, but I am in no postilion to be picky.

katniss everdeen wedding dress, catching fire

We have already seen some ‘Catching Fire’ fashion thanks to an entire site dedicated to capturing the fashion. And we have a beauty line being cranked out by Covergirl, but here is Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) wearing her wedding dress in the flesh.

The painted portrait was teased months ago. What do you think of the look?

I just love that Stanley Tucci is wearing a Bump It ponytail.

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